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We help real estate agents sign more listings by leveraging their very own Published book

Attract More Sellers

Become a seller magnet with your expert, authority positioning printed book. Eliminate resistance most agents face when asking for an appointment.

Sign More Listings

Massively increase your listing appointment conversions as you begin to beat out the competition even if you are the least experienced.

Close More Sales

Double, triple, or even quadruple the number of listings you take and begin to hit your financial goals with predictability and ease.

Agents & Brokers From All Over The Country Have Used This Strategy

Are you experiencing any of the following frustrations?

You desire a more cost effective strategy to get in front of more sellers and sign more listings

You aren't attracting enough prospects and you don't know where your next sale is coming from

Sellers are consistently telling you that they like you, but yet they aren't selecting you as their listing agent

Or maybe you lack confidence because you don't know what to say when you meet with sellers

You've tried purchasing expensive online leads, but most of them are unqualified and won't pick up the phone

Your business has a seesaw up and down effect and you're looking to benefit with more consistency

There are no secrets to success, there are systems to success.

You deserve to implement an efficient and effective system that gets you closer to your financial goals.

We understand you and We understand the industry

Most agents get licensed and then are thrown out in the wild and told to figure it out. However, once they've gone through your warm market, they are suddenly left with no one to help buy or sell. This has been a challenge in the real estate industry for quite some time.

This is why we are providing you with the tools that Top Agents use to massively build their brand and authority in the marketplace.

These strategies are tried and true and have been used by real estate agents from all over the country.

Why You should have a published book

your book will instantly increase your presence in the marketplace

In the world of business and real estate, the most recognized service provider is not always the best service provider. In fact, in most cases, the most seen and used is not the best.

The truth is if you don't have a strong presence in your market, it does not matter how qualified you are or how great you are at solving your clients' problems. This is where your Published Book instantly shines. It immediately boosts your authority and presence, allowing you to cover more ground both online and offline. You won't just be a regular agent. Instead, you'll be perceived as a top tier agent who has a published book that conveys your experience and brilliance.

Your book will massively increase your number of prospects

In business, sales will always directly tied to prospects. If you aren't attracting and connecting with enough prospects, then poor sales will be the consequence.

Your published book, along with the complete system, will be the central point of your marketing. It will serve as a mini billboard and referral magnet, allowing you to easily attract prospects through online channels and offline channels. Prospects will have no problem reaching out and connecting with you because you will be perceived as the go-to expert in your community. As a result, the number of qualified prospects you connect with will undoubtedly increase.

Your book will effortlessly Increase your conversion process

Attracting and connecting with dream clients is only part of the winning system. You must a strategic and efficient process to convert prospects into listing appointments, and listing appointments into signed listings.

This is where your published book seals the deal. Agents too often, are force to oversell themselves and sacrifice making a genuine connection with the seller. However, your book does the selling, allowing you to focus on discovering the needs of the client and prescribing them with your winning solution to market their home and get it sold fast!

Ready for more listings?

Level Up Your Listing Business with 3 Simple Steps

Edit & Design Your Book for Print & Delivery

Choose from the many options available to design your cover and personalized information that positions you as the published author and expert .

Access & Implement 'Win More Listings' System

Gain access to the complete 'Win More Listings' system and begin to implement the winning strategies for your business, making you the recognized agent of choice.

Connect with Sellers &

Sign More Listings

Leverage your book so that you can connect with more prospects, create more experiences, and convert more prospects into signed listings...which turn into consistent closings.

Our Absolutely Insane


I know that you’ll love this system so much that we are offering a Pay As You Profit plan which will allow you to make a small one-time deposit to cover our expenses, and pay the remaining balance after you sign and close your next 2 listings.

We are committed to your success!

Follow The Path Of Others Agents & Brokers Who Have Leveraged A Published Book To Consistently Sign More Listings


Knolly Williams - Texas, Broker

Knolly became the #1 agent in his brokerage, averaging 10 listings per month by leveraging his arsenal of tools to build and grow his authority and credibility, using his published book. His main focus was listings and his book was a major catalyst to him signing listings consistently.


Xcellence Realty - Florida, Agent

He was able to secure one listing, that turned into 3 additional listings, all because he leveraged his book to secure the listing, and attract referrals. His book became the ultimate business card and marketing tool, allowing him to increase his market presence through past clients and people who happily share his book with home owners.

He signed a total of 8 listings from his books! He is consistently shipping his book out to sellers who he makes contact with. His credibility has increased insanely. The sky is the limit!



Illinois, Real Estate Agent

She was able to connect with other professionals including a divorce attorney and pass out her authority positioning, book. The outcome was 4 listings and one buyer! Wow!



California, Real Estate Agent

Her customized books have been a hit inside her Open Houses. Sellers are blown away because they've never seen an agent with her own book. She's gotten 4 listings and 4 buyers so far!



Indiana, Real Estate Agent

Successful agents don't wait for Credibility, they Create it

Why Knolly believes every agent should be leveraging a Published Book as it has done wonders for his business

You Are One Listing Away

You are one listing away from massively boosting your Presence, Prospects, and Process by implementing this proven system. You are one step away from becoming the Expert Authority in your Marketplace and No-braining agent of choice every time.

Whether you want to go from 0 listings to 2 listings per month, or listings to 8+ listings per month, you will have to make a conscious decision to prioritize your marketing and your messaging. When you consistently convey to your marketplace, that you are the agent of choice, your marketplace will react and treat you as the agent of choice, which will result in more listings and more referrals.

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Helping agents sign more listings consistently through the power of a published book and winning formula.


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Got questions? Text: 863-397-9543

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